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  • Tackle eye strain – stay focused and look after your health

Tackle eye strain – stay focused and look after your health

4 steps action plan
Reduce eye strain and the symptoms it causes by making some simple yet effective changes to your lifestyle.

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Tackle eye strain – stay focused and look after your health

It’s a surprisingly common side effect of screen usage, but some simple strategies can help to reduce eye strain and the symptoms it causes.

If you feel like you’re relying on screens more than ever, for everything from work to entertainment, you’re not the only one. Research confirms that for a lot of us, screen usage has risen in the past few years. It also confirms that this can bump up the risk of eye strain.

Affecting up to nine out of 10 people who use digital devices, the good news is there are some simple, yet effective things you can do to reduce eye strain to help you stay focused. And don’t worry – it doesn’t involve saying no to screen time! 


Time to complete

  • 4 weeks


  • Support eye health
  • Support energy levels
  • Support mental focus and concentration


Changing a few key settings on your digital devices to make displays more helpful than harmful is one of the first steps you can take to support your eye health.

There are also some small-but-clever changes you can make to your surroundings when you’re using a device, whether it’s for work or play, that will lower your odds of experiencing eye strain.

Don’t panic – we’re not going to recommend making your devices off-limits for hours at a time or suggest that your days of series-bingeing are over.

Instead, there are some small behavioural tricks you can introduce to your screen routines that will help to support your eyes. Honestly, you won’t miss a thing. 

Surveys suggest that a fair few of us may have skipped having an eye test to check our vision and overall eye health during the last couple of years.

Learn why addressing that, if you need to, can help to tackle eye strain, as well as how a few other eye-care strategies could make a difference, too.  

By taking steps to reduce eye strain, you’re already doing something positive and proactive to improve your mental focus – because let’s face it, it’s hard to concentrate with strained eyes, right?

But some research suggests there’s a link between increased use of digital devices – and specifically the media multitasking it can encourage – and poorer attention. So, if you love your devices or simply can’t do without them, doing what you can to sharpen your ability to focus is smart.

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