How to amplify your brain power
21 Dec 2010

How to amplify your brainpower

1 mins to read
In my last blog, I dished the dirt on the happiness findings unleashed at a conference series I’m hooked on—Mind and Its Potentials (run by a Buddhist organisation based in Sydney’s West, and has the pulling power to draw some major international names in psychology, psychiatry and everything ‘brain’). Here’s part two: what I also soaked up regarding brain boosting:

In my last blog, I dished the dirt on the happiness findings unleashed at a conference series I’m hooked on—Mind and Its Potentials (run by a Buddhist organisation based in Sydney’s West, and has the pulling power to draw some major international names in psychology, psychiatry and everything ‘brain’).

Here’s part two: what I also soaked up regarding brain boosting:

  • ‘Noise’ ages the brain. And by noise, I mean an overwhelming entanglement of information and distractions, the state your brain gets in when it’s hard to find clarity. The solution: focus on one thing at a time and give it your full and utter attention. Practice active listening. Really be present.
  • Every piece of learning creates physical changes the brain. It’s like treading a path in the snow—you make track that you can either retrace (and strengthen) or let fade with time (by not retracing). Learning creates pathways that bind together and strengthen your neural pathways.
  • Laughing oxygenates the brain! Think about how you can get more laughs into your day and how to crack others up… look for more opportunities to find the funny side in things.
  • Not having any social connections is as bad for your mental health as smoking two packs of ciggies is for your physical health. Make your relationships a top shelf priority. Carve out time to nurture relationships that make you feel happiest/the most ‘yourself’, and ensure you ‘show up’ for people—be there when things get tough, even if all you do is drop a bowl of mango mousse around to his/her place as a cheer-up gift.

When do you feel at your best mentally? What’s your ‘happy head’ recipe? I would love to hear…

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