Made possible through donation by the Blackmores Institute, The Maurice Blackmore Chair of Integrative Medicine will enable research and scholarship within the growing field of Integrative Medicine, and will advocate for research examining the safety and efficacy of complementary medicine and alternative therapies within Western (allopathic) medicine.
“Over the next five years the Maurice Blackmore Chair in Integrative Medicine will undertake research into the impact of complementary medicines in health outcomes, including how complementary and alternative medicines interact with the current standard treatments prescribed by medical professionals,” said the Dean of Sydney Medical School, Professor Bruce Robinson.
Responding to the announcement, Blackmores’ Chairman Marcus Blackmore said: “Integrative medicine with its focus on prevention and well-being holds serious promise as a solution to the ever increasing cost of healthcare in our community.
“The establishment of this Chair will provide for ongoing research and education in integrative medicine and we applaud the efforts of the Dean Prof. Bruce Robinson for his foresight in establishing this Chair.
Director of Blackmores Institute Dr Lesley Braun also commented on the announcement: “Blackmores Institute is very proud to be supporting this Chair at Sydney University. We see this as a milestone event and a very important step forward for the development of Integrative medicine in Australia.”