“I have always wanted to foster animals, cats especially, and have always had cats since I was a kid. I found myself with a home that could accommodate cats, with only one adult child at home about three years ago.
My current foster is cat called Edith. She had been at Mandurah pound for a few days and was looking very grumpy. They had told me that she had a broken leg, was anaemic and had fleas – as well as a growth on her eye that will need to be removed. My living situation had changed and I wasn't able to take on long term fosters, so I said I would take her temporarily so she could get the vet care she needed.
It was a touch and go start
When I got Edith home it was obvious she had more than a broken leg. The vets confirmed she had arthritis of her spine, aggravated by injury, and she was dragging her hind legs along. Edith is an old gal and confined to a soft crate in the corner of my room – that said, she has a very loud voice and likes to boss me around! Edith is improving every day and the rescue are even starting to think we might be able to find her a home of her own (I have two cats of my own).
Edith is also a fighter. She had been turning up at a lady's house for over three weeks before being brought into the pound - she must have been in so much pain. One weekend early on in our foster relationship, I looked at her on the Saturday morning and really questioned if I was just prolonging her pain (she was on medication but not very happy). But I went to work on Sunday, returning Monday morning, and Edith was singing her song for me as I got home. I took her out of the crate and she walked, and wasn't dragging her legs behind her like she had been, and didn't seem to be in pain.
The vets are so impressed with her progress. Just this morning I went to video her singing and she stood up on her hind legs to try and get a pat and out of the crate - amazing given she couldn't walk three weeks ago!
It’s such a worthwhile journey
A little bit of my heart goes with every cat when they leave. Some of my adoptees keep in touch which I love, and the Perth Rescue Angels Facebook page is a great place for everyone to share updates on the progress of their new cat or kitten, which is wonderful.
I had one cat (Herb) for two years and had asked for her to be moved when I moved to a new house - but we found her a forever home instead where they love her for her quirkiness and floofiness - those moments make me happy and proud to do what we do.
Edith requires ongoing treatment while her spine heals, and you can help her PRA family out by donating a few dollars towards her treatment - Donate here.Related Products: