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Blackmores Recovery Magnesium Powder

Blackmores Recovery Magnesium Powder is a high dose, rapidly absorbed powder to reduce muscle tension* & help post exercise recovery.
200 grams $0.13 per gram

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Read the warnings below before purchase.




Blackmores Recovery Magnesium Powder provides a high dose, rapidly absorbed magnesium complex in the form of MagAbsorb+™ which, helps to reduce muscle cramps, tension and stiffness* and supports healthy cardiovascular system function.

This easy-to-take powder also contains ginseng to help support muscle endurance and aid post exercise recovery, and vitamins C, B12 and folic acid to help support energy levels*

* when dietary intake is inadequate.

Why use

  • High strength, rapid absorption
  • Added ginseng helps support muscle endurance and aids post exercise recovery
  • Helps relieve muscle cramps, tension and stiffness when dietary intake is inadequate
  • Vitamins C, B12 and folic acid help support energy levels when dietary intake is inadequate
  • No artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners
  • Lemon / Lime Flavour
  • One a day dose


The Blackmores difference

Blackmores Recovery Magnesium Powder exclusively contains MagAbsorb+™ two highly absorbed and bioavailable forms of magnesium.

Active ingredients per 5g

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a water-soluble antioxidant nutrient involved in many biological processes in the body. Vitamin C is found in a number of fruits and vegetables, great sources are capsicums, blackcurrants, oranges and strawberries.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and plays a role in a large number of biological processes. Magnesium containing foods include green leafy vegetables, nuts, cocoa and whole grains.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and plays a role in a large number of biological processes. Magnesium containing foods include green leafy vegetables, nuts, cocoa and whole grains.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that plays a role in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body and plays a role in a large number of biological processes. Magnesium containing foods include green leafy vegetables, nuts, cocoa and whole grains.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is primarily stored in the bones. Calcium containing foods include dairy products, fortified soy products, broccoli, bok choy, fish with bones- such as salmon and sardines.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates for energy production. Vitamin B5 is found in sunflower seeds, peas, beans (except green beans), poultry and whole grains.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is primarily stored in the bones. Calcium containing foods include dairy products, fortified soy products, broccoli, bok choy, fish with bones- such as salmon and sardines.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) is a water-soluble nutrient required for converting carbohydrates into energy. Food sources include whole grains, beans, nuts, sunflower seeds, pork and beef.

Riboflavin (vitamijn B2) is a water-soluble vitamin involved in ATP production and the metabolism of many of the other B group vitamins. Food sources include almonds, mushrooms and wild rice. Vitamin B2 supplements may change urine colour to bright yellow.This is harmless and temporary.

Also called niacin; nicotinamide (vitamin B3) is a water-soluble nutrient involved in energy production and carbohydrate metabolism. Legumes, peanuts, wheat bran, and fish are all sources of vitamin B3.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) is a water-soluble nutrient involved in the production of proteins, neurotransmitters and haemoglobin. Whole grains, legumes, bananas, seeds, nuts and potatoes are good sources of vitamin B6.

A water-soluble B group vitamin, folate is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and the activation of vitamin B12 into it's active form. Folic acid is found in fresh green leafy vegetables, broccoli, mushrooms, legumes, nuts and fortified cereals.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is an essential water-soluble nutrient needed for protein and DNA synthesis, folate metabolism, and red blood cell production. Food sources of vitamin B12 include egg yolk, fish, beef, milk and cheese.

Colecalciferol (vitamin D) is a fat-soluble nutrient that is manufactured in the skin through the action of sunlight. Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism which is important in the maintenance of bone health. 

Chromium is an essential trace mineral needed for carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. Chromium is found in brewer's yeast, wholegrain breads and cereals, cheese, eggs, bananas, spinach and mushrooms.


Adults: Take 5 g (1 level scoop) once a day, or as prescribed by a health professional. Only use the scoop provided. Mix in 250 mL of water and consume immediately. Take with food.


  • Always read the label and follow the directions for use.
  • If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.
  • Dietary supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
  • WARNING: Stop taking this medication if you experience tingling, burning or numbness and see your healthcare practitioner as soon as possible (contains vitamin B6).
  • Contains sulfites and soya bean products.
  • Do not use if you have high blood pressure.
  • Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • If you have any pre-existing conditions, or are on any medications always talk to your health professional before use.
  • Some products should be ceased at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please confirm with your health professional.

Physical description

Cream speckled powder
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