Our exciting line-up of 50+ stalls include fair trade and charitable vendors selling jewellery, clothing, skincare, homewares, toys and more from around the world. Other stallholders will be donating 15% of profits to various charities.
AfriBeads: AfriBeads partners with a group of women, the Kind Mothers’ Project, to provide a market for the beautiful recycled beads and homewares they produce. By helping the mothers, it is possible for their children to be fed, educated, and cared for and for them to work towards a peaceful, healthy, and prosperous society. www.fta.org.au/afri-beads.html
Alex & Ani: Alex & Ani create meaningful, eco-conscious jewellery and accessories to positively empower and connect humanity. Profits from their Charity by Design collection help support Lifeline, RSPCA, SpecialOlympics and UNICEF. www.alexandani.com.au
Arranounbi School: Students will be selling hand-printed linen tea towels and hand-made greeting, gift and Christmas cards and gift tags made as part of their life skills program. www.arranoun-s.schools.nsw.edu.au
Avenue Fair Trade: Avenue is a social enterprise that sells unique, ethically sourced products handmade by talented artisans with disability from around the world. Based in Sydney, Avenue is run by a workforce of people with disability who use their skills to create, grow and evolve the business. www.avenuefairtrade.com.au
The Big Feed: The Big Feed engages young people through food education, food enterprise and social innovation. They’ll be selling a range of artisan food products made in Australia by small-scale producers and social enterprises. www.thebigfeed.com.au
Buy Undies, Give Undies: This social enterprise sells quality men's underwear with every pair sold raising funds to help kids in need. www.buyundiesgiveundies.com
The Elephant Emporium: The Elephant Emporium is a fair trade business that sources direct from producers in South East Asia – they sell a wide variety of exquisite Thai wood carvings and homewares, together with beautiful fashion accessories. www.theelephantemporium.com.au
Every Product Has a Story (EPHAS): EPHAS promotes the story behind the products it sells to highlight the people and their life stories and to raise awareness of fair trade issues. They source products direct from four partner projects in Zimbabwe, China, Peru and India, all of whom prescribe to the principles of fair trade as set by the World Fair Trade Organisation. www.ephas.com.au
Free to Shine: Free To Shine believes in the power of an education. Their goal is to get half a million girls in school. This means half a million girls having access to clean drinking water, adequate shelter, seeds for their gardens and all the necessary supplies to attend school. They’ll be selling beautiful handmade goods from Thailand and Cambodia. www.freetoshine.org
HOPE Collective: Helping Others & Planet Earth (HOPE) Collective is a ground-breaking Ethical Gift Shop. www.hopecollective.org
Kashae Direct: Kashe Direct works closely with artisans in Africa, Madagascar and Cambodia, helping them to create sustainable incomes through the sale of their products, as well hope and dignity for their futures. Kashae follows 10 fair trade principles to ensure its artisans are well looked after and there is no child labour involved. www.hopecollective.org
Lifeline Northern Beaches Book Fair: Lifeline Northern Beaches (LLNB) provides quality telephone and in-person support services to relieve distress and suffering caused by crisis situations. Their Book Fairs are renowned as sources of near new Books, DVDs, CDs, Puzzles and Games, all very reasonably priced. www.lifelinenb.org.au/shop/book-fairs
loveBOMB Jewellery (Sacred by Design): Over nine years, 250 million tons of bombs were dropped on Laos. loveBOMB jewellery is cast from melted bomb fragments in wood and ash moulds. Each LOVEbomb product sold assists with safe land clearance and supports the artisans to provide for their families and village development. sacredbydesign.com.au/peacebomb-jewellery-from-laos
Moeloco Flip Flops: Moeloco is a small but growing group of companies called social enterprises. The aim of a social enterprise is to make a profit, because the greater our profit then the more we are able to contribute to our cause. For every pair of Moeloco Flip Flops sold, we donate one pair of school shoes to some of the world’s most underprivileged children. www.moeloco.com
Newport Public School: will be selling ‘keep cups’ to help reduce waste and save the environment.
The Nightingale Collective: When sourcing products, The Nightingale Collective ensures the artisans, who are often women, receive fair wages, positive working environments and are supported by community development programs that improve the lives of their families and wider community. This includes community health programs in Guatemala and supporting programs for women rescued from trafficking in India. www.thenightingalecollective.com.au
Oxfam: Shop ethical! Oxfam’s fair trade products are hand-crafted by poor communities across the globe - homeware, kitchenware, fashion, food & toys. shop.oxfam.org.au
Pass It Forward Gifts: Sales help fund crucial support programs in our community such as disability enterprise initiatives, research into childhood illness and support services for the homeless and people living with cancer. www.passitforwardgifts.com.au
The Possibility Project: The Possibility Project delivers social justice programs through social entrepreneurship. Products are lovingly made through vocational education and training programs run by I-India, in Jaipur. Their clothing label slumwear108 builds on a belief that everybody has something to contribute to the wellbeing of people and planet. www.thepossibilityproject.com.au
Sanaa Afrika: An endorsed Fair Trader, Sanaa Afrika works with registered businesses and individual artists located in South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe to sell and promote their art, craft, quality décor and jewellery. www.sanaaafrika.com.au
School for Life Foundation: School for Life is a not-for-profit organisation working in rural Uganda to build schools and provide vocational training programs. Their beautiful KUMI lifestyle and fashion brand employs 15 women, providing them with ongoing access to education and financial independence. www.schoolforlife.org.au
Spirited Clothes: In partnership with The Liora Project, Spirited Clothes helps support women in India and the Philippines who have been born into abject poverty or trafficked into the sex industry. Spirited Clothes sell a beautiful range of lounge pants, scarves, sarongs and pearl jewellery made by these communities to help restore their livelihoods and dignity. www.schoolforlife.org.au
Tintsaba Australia: Tintsaba produces quality handicrafts from sisal, a sustainable weed that grows wild in Swaziland. They support rural women with employment, health and education programs enabling them to provide a better quality of life for their families and communities. www.tintsaba.com.au
Trading Circle Sydney: Trading Circle offers a lovely variety of gifts, with all profits going back to the women in the producer groups overseas. www.tradingcircle.com.au
Tribes and Nations: Tribes and Nations sell fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, homewares and more. www.tribesandnations.com.au
Zarpar Bebe: Zarpar Bebe sells ethically sourced and sustainable baby blankets, carriers, baskets and more. By working with NGO and Fair Trade collectives in many regions across the world, they help to empower the people in whom they support; nurturing dignity, pride and humanity at every level. www.zarparbebe.com.au
The following stallholders will be donating 15% of profits to charity:
Arora Active imports recycled workout leggings made from plastic bottles and donates 10% of sales from their signature ‘I am Water’ leggings to I Am Water ocean conservation. www.aroraactive.com
Billie the Kid Apparel designs and manufactures baby and kids Trucker Hats. Proceeds from their ‘Up Yours’ cancer design caps are donated to various charities and causes. www.billiethekid.com.au
Bodhi Organic Tea: Bodhi Organics is Australian owned herbal tea company who makes beautiful, unique premium teas, all naturopathically formulated by well-respected naturopath and herbalist Lisa Guy. Profits from the Blackmores Christmas Twilight Charity Market will help support Sydney Children's Hospital. www.bodhiorganictea.com
Bungan Honey creates honey and lip balms from their rooftop bee hives at Newport / Bungan Beach. They also support Spinal Cure Australia through proceeds from their book Penguin Bloom. www.penguinthemagpie.com
Caboodle Crafts is a local small business producing a range of quality craft kits for children and teens. Sales will help support Birthing Kit Foundation Australia. facebook.com/caboodlecrafts
Carry On Watson is an e-commerce luggage and travel brand offering customers luggage with a difference. They collaborate with artists to inject some life and a story to the luggage. Sales will help support Hope for Sexually Exploited Girls – World Vision. www.carryonwatson.com
ChamonixRain Organics makes premium quality bamboo kids clothing and bedding. Their signature products include Australian made 99.9% natural coconut skincare for adults and babies. www.chamonixrainorganics.com
Little Zebra Chocolates creates delicious and rich sugar free chocolates in a completely nut free factory. Their chocolates can be enjoyed by vegans, vegetarians, people with gluten, lactose and soy intolerances, diabetics or anyone seeking lower GI chocolates. Sales will help support The Big Issue. www.littlezebrachocolates.com.au
Mystified Candles design and handcraft organic palm wax candles and other similar products. Sales will help support Bear Cottage. www.mystifiedcandles.com.au
New Leaf Nursery
Northern Beaches Writers’ Group sell children’s adventure, science fiction and fantasy books to raise money for The Kids’ Cancer Project. northernbeacheswritersgroup.com
Remington & Emmett sell boutique handmade soaps and body products. Sales will help support the Australian Orang-utan Project in Borneo.
Rising Sun Photography will be selling iconic Northern Beaches photo cards, framed photos and acrylic prints. Sales will help support Love for Lachie Charity. www.loveforlachie.com.au
The Vibe Sunglasses
THE-V-SPOT is an online destination to find a complete fashion and beauty range that is all vegan, ethically made, environmentally friendly and undeniably fabulous! They offer the very best in eco and ethical fashion (apparel, shoes, bags and accessories) and clean beauty (makeup, skincare, hair care and fragrance) supporting small business and indie designers. www.thevspot.com.au
Weleda is an eco-friendly and sustainable skincare company that is 100% certified natural and organic. Their ingredients are either grown in their biodynamic gardens or sourced through fair trade partnerships around the world. All products are free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants and raw materials derived from mineral oils, as well as genetically modified organisms and the brand does not test products or ingredients on animals. www.weleda.com.au
Yogi Spirit is a yoga lifestyle store sourcing and curating yoga products that are eco-responsible and ethically manufactured. We stock leggings made from recycled water bottles, organic tops, yoga mats and intentional jewellery for wholehearted living. www.yogispirit.com.au