Top 5 foods for muscle growth
11 Sep 2013

The top five foods for muscle growth

1 mins to read
Building strength and muscle mass needs a diet that is high in kilojoules and protein.

Building strength and muscle mass needs a diet that is high in kilojoules and protein. However, the quality of your diet plays a big role in determining the quality of your results.

High nutrient foods provide the building blocks your body needs for muscle repair and growth. Combined with adequate sleep and a suitable weight lifting program, a diet that includes eggs, fish, beef, beans and skim milk can help to boost your results.

Here's why these 5 muscle foods should be on your menu.

  • Eggs - Eggs are a concentrated source of amino acids, the components that make protein. Aim to include 4 - 6 eggs a week, prepared poached or hard boiled - not fried
  • Fish - Fish and seafood is high in protein, and contains omega-3 fatty acids. Have fish 2-3 times a week with steamed vegetables or salad. Avoid battered fish
  • Beef mince - High in protein, creatine, B vitamins and the energy giving nutrient iron, lean beef mince is healthy and versatile. Aim for 2-3 servings a week in pasta sauces, burritos, and home-made hamburgers
  • Beans - Legumes are a good source of plant protein, fibre and slowly digested carbohydrates. Aim for at least 2-3 servings a week, including chickpeas in salads, baked beans on toast, or hummus on whole wheat crackers
  • Skim milk - Contains all the protein and calcium of regular milk, but none of the saturated fat. Unlike some low fat dairy products, it has no added sugar. Have over cereal, in smoothies, or as a drink on its own

Are these food a regular part of your diet? Are there other muscle foods you would include on this list?

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