What is the number one way to stop the spread of the rule? Hand washing! I know it sounds so simple, however it is a really important thing you can do to that might protect yourself and family from getting the flu.
When washing your hands especially in the cold and flu season be sure to follow these steps:
The germs that can linger on a persons hand after they have sneezed or coughed can hang around for a while. From the seemingly harmless place on the hand, these germs can find their way to door knobs, phones, bench tops etc. As an unwitting by passerby, you can easily pick up these germs by touching these surfaces. From there it is only a wipe of the nose or rub of the eye away from potentially picking up a germ. Hand washing and keeping your hands away from your face can possibly keep the lurgy away.
Jodi Van Dyk is a qualified practicing naturopath. Prior to becoming a naturopath she studied a Bachelor of Science at the University of Sydney and worked as a microbiologist in a large hospital pathology laboratory for 5 years. As a naturopath Jodi combines her science background and evidence based research with traditional knowledge of naturopathy. She is passionate about natural medicine and teaching those around her the benefits of approaching health from a perspective of prevention whilst using natural approaches.