Digestion first aid kit for travel
6 May 2011

Digestion first aid kit for travel

1 mins to read
Are you travelling a lot and finding that your digestive system doesn't appreciate it? There are simple things that you can do to lessen the impact and calm the digestive discontent.

Are you travelling a lot and finding that your digestive system doesn't appreciate it? There are simple things that you can do to lessen the impact and calm the digestive discontent.

Firstly, most travelling leaves us dehydrated to at least some degree - whether it be by plane, where the pressurised, air conditioned cabin sucks us dry, or by road, where the thought of frequent toilet stops scares any thought of adequate hydration out of the picture.

If you are prone to digestive problems, however, it is wise to hydrate up. Adequate fluid is important to many aspects of the digestive process, with one of the major problems of digestive dehydration being constipation. After all that sitting, constipation is even more likely. If constipation is a big issue for you, make sure you are consuming lots of fibre.

Another great travel addition is a good quality probiotic supplement that doesn't need to be kept in the fridge. Popping these may help to keep digestive processes on an even keel. Get one that can be kept in your toiletries bag (rather than in the fridge) so that all you have to do is take one before bed.

Slippery elm powder is another helpful tool if you are prone to reflux. It is also available in tablet form for convenience, though in my experience the powder works better. It can be taken before meals, or during an attack, as it helps to soothe the lining of the oesophagus (tube that leads to the stomach).

And, you can't beat a good old digestive bitter tonic. Bitter herbs keep everything on tract digestion-wise, and they can be swigged just before each meal to get those digestive juices flowing. There are ready made tonics available, or you can get one made up specifically for you by your local naturopath.

I'd love to hear from you. What helps your digestive health when you travel?

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