While being overweight is not directly a result of watching television, there are a number of indirect effects that can increase stored body fat. Some of these include:
Did you know? – Television has a number of indirect effects that may contribute to the storage of body fat, such as reduced physical activity, decreased time to cook healthy meals, and increased snacking.
Television may also contribute to excess body fat due to the consumption of larger portion sizes. Eating while watching television has been shown to increase your food intake, because it’s harder to concentrate on what you’re eating. A 2008 British study confirmed that subjects who watched television while eating their lunch ended up consuming more snacks during the afternoon.
Study subjects ate an identical lunch, but the group who watched television during their lunch consumed 20 per cent more biscuits in the afternoon. The researchers believe that the distraction of television makes them forget their previous meal more quickly, and they are more likely to be tempted by additional food later in the day. This study also shows that the negative effects of television watching on your waistline can extend beyond the time of actually watching television.
Following are some guidelines on how to minimise the fattening effects of television viewing.