Over winter, many of us think of food as a comfort. And that it is. But food can also be a frontline defense against low mood.
As the Dietitians Association of Australia says, research is mounting on the role Omega-3 fatty acids play in the regulation of our moods.
“Don’t let the cooler weather get you down,” says Accredited Practising Dietitian Dr Catherine Itsiopoulos. “Add some healthy omega-3 rich foods to your diet, and keep up a regular exercise routine.”
One tip, she adds, is to buy Omega-3 enriched eggs and work these into your brekky.
But plain old free-range eggs will also do the trick.
Nutritionist Dr Joanna McMillan agrees. In her book Inner Health, Outer Beauty, she cites a 2007 study that found eggs are much higher in long chain Omega 3s than previously thought.
“Gone are the days of limiting our eggs based on incorrect beliefs about their effect on cholesterol. Looks like eggs are in, in, in!” she writes.
Personally, my morning strategy is to boil up three to four eggs and store them in the fridge. I add my spread of choice on toast and then add sliced boiled egg.
Here are two more Omega-3’ed up ideas from Itsiopoulos and McMillan respectively:
1. Try ground flaxseed (flaxseed meal) as a topping on breakfast cereal.
2. Combine strips of Lebanese cucumber with lemon juice, coarsely chopped avocado, mint leaves and natural yoghurt and serve on the side with an egg on sourdough bread. Sprinkle with paprika and freshly ground black pepper.
References available on request