Fone free feb
2 Feb 2015

Taking back dinnertime- will you go phone free this Feb?

1 mins to read
The campaign to have you device free at the dinner table

How often have you looked around the table that you’re sharing with friends or family and noticed that everyone’s attention is focused solely on their smartphone?

If the answer is “You know what… all the time!” or something close to that, maybe you could benefit from Fone Free Feb.

READ: How addicted are you to your phone

Fone Free Feb began in 2013 to provide a platform to raise funds for Australian charities, and highlight how we use our phones in the process.

This year it’s all about ‘Taking back dinnertime’ and your invited by the organisers to host a meal for family and friends- no phones allowed- instead to take part lively conversation .

HOW TO: Host a Fone Free Feb Dinner

There are a number of participating charities that you can get behind and some high profile ambassadors hosting dinner parties of their own.

Find out more about this great initiative and how you can get involved at

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