I am not a morning person. I am definitely NOT a morning person even more as the weather gets cooler! I would love to be one of those people that wakes up, then gets up straight away. I would love to not have to struggle with myself.. the war between the 2 opposing parts of me. The part that loves the autumn morning sun, the fresh, crisp air and the satisfaction of getting into the day early, and the part of me that is just sooo comfy and relaxed, snuggly and warm and couldn't care less if there was a major natural disaster occurring outside! Oh, the struggle! And so, I am inspired to share some 'get out of bed' tips for those of us that struggle to rise and shine when things get even more snuggly under the covers...
If you are like me, you are highly skilled at calculating just how late you can leave it to get up so that you can still make it to where you need to be (eg. work) on time. Usually this fails... I fool myself... another 5mins in bed WILL make me late..... Don't be fooled! If you start to try to pull that ol' trick on yourself, nip it in the bud by remembering what it feels like to be late verses how it feels to get ready with ample time.
This may work for you. I have to admit that it has had limited effectiveness for me at times. I often get to know that I've set it earlier, and then sleep through it until it gets closer to the time I actually need to get up. Anyway, the principle is that you wake up a bit earlier and get the luxury of laying there for '5 more minutes' and you still get up with enough time up your sleeve.
The trick is, don't just look out the window in a daze whilst still caught up in your thoughts. Actually see what is outside and it might help you to feel inspired to get out there and be a part of the day. This works especially well for me if the sun is shining and I can see other people, birds or animals going about their activities. The only problem is, this may backfire if it is rainy and miserable!
Make sure you have your ugg boots and other warm apparel right next to your bed, ready to throw on as soon as you come out from under the covers. Step two can be going to turn on the heater and putting the kettle on.... See! Doesn't that just inspire you to get up at the thought?