Now we all love Santa Claus, but a quick look at his belly makes it pretty obvious that he’s been going to town while he’s been coming to town. It seems there’s been a few too many beers, biscuits and mince pies on the menu of late.
He also spends most of the day sitting on his padded posterior while collecting the Christmas wish lists of all those boys and girls. And his image is blazoned over chocolates and candy canes everywhere, prompting concerns over the message that Santa is sending out to the world.
Due to his current state, Santa is facing a heightened risk of experiencing serious health problems down the track. It’s also going to make it pretty tough climbing up and down all those chimneys, and carrying around a heavy sack of presents.
I know Santa doesn’t mean any harm, but it’s a timely warning to all of us to eat sensibly and drink in moderation over the festive season.
Try to focus on the loving and giving aspect of Christmas instead of the eating and drinking.
Enjoy smaller portions of high kilojoule foods, and aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, even if it’s light activities such as walking or playing games with your kids.