My juggling act 1260x542
29 Apr 2010

My juggling act

2 mins to read
By Jodi Van Dyk. I recently started up a boot camp programme. 6 weeks of up at 5:30 for a 6am-7am drill of exercise goodness. Now don’t get me wrong I love a good hard work out and thrive on exercise and the stress release it brings with it. However early starts 3 mornings a week is a whole new ball game.

By Jodi Van Dyk. I recently started up a boot camp programme. 6 weeks of up at 5:30am for a 6-7am drill of exercise goodness. Now don’t get me wrong I love a good hard work out and thrive on exercise and the stress release it brings with it. However early starts 3 mornings a week is a whole new ball game.  With 5:30am starts comes the need for an earlier bed time and I admit I often struggled with this. Between juggling social engagements and late nights finishing off writing, researching or marking did not always allow for an early enough bedtime.

I noticed by about the third week after a fairly busy second week in which my sleep was lacking that I began to have a niggling sore throat and generally felt unwell. It hung around for most of the next two weeks generally leaving me to drag my tired body through the week.

It did remind me however of some of things I had been writing about lately. That is the importance of good sleep for immunity and increased exercise intensity can actually lower immunity for a short period. Oh how true it is.

Subsequently I got myself back on track quick smart. I forced myself to the luxury of sleep earlier each night, saying no to social occasions and pumping myself full of vitamin C, echinacea and garlic to help my poor immune system cope.

It really does point out the importance of balance in all areas of our life. Sleep, exercise, diet, social life and work!                         

Jodi Van Dyk has been a fully qualified practicing naturopath for 2 years after completing her Bachelor of Health Science degree in Naturopathy in 2007. Prior to becoming a Naturopath she studied a Bachelor of Science at the University of Sydney and worked as a microbiologist in a large hospital pathology laboratory for 5 years. These days Jodi splits her time between working with patients on issues ranging from women’s health, hormonal imbalances, immunity and children’s health as well writing, teaching and researching within the natural health industry. As a Naturopath Jodi combines her science background and evidence based research with traditional knowledge of naturopathy. She is passionate about natural medicine and teaching those around her the benefits of approaching health from a perspective of prevention whilst using natural approaches.

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