1. Cut pumpkin into wedges or squares around 3cm by 3cm and place in pot with the water
2. Bring to boil, then turn heat down to simmer on low
3. Add the sea salt, half the soy sauce and the azuki beans.
4. Put on lid and simmer for 5 minutes
5. Taste the broth the pumpkins are now stewing in. It should be a little sweet with a mildly salty taste. If it's not salty enough, add more soy sauce, 1 tablespoon at a time - it's easy to overload on soy
6. Replace lid and simmer for 5 more minutes. The pumpkin should now be soft when skewered with a fork, and the beans infused with flavour
7. Garnish with sesame seeds (or coriander - not very Japanese, but suits this dish well), and serve with brown rice or a short-grain rice like Arborio
*Note: Less-sweet varieties like blue pumpkin don't taste good in this dish (too heavy and boring).