Whats the best type of bread for your body 1260x542
21 May 2012

The best type of bread for your body

2 mins to read
Which bread is best? We take a closer look at some of the more popular types of bread to help make the selection process a little easier.

Take a walk down the bread aisle at any supermarket, and you will be confronted with dozens of choices. It can be hard to know what variety to choose. So let’s take a closer look at some of the more popular types of bread to help make the selection process a little easier.

White bread – Because the grain is highly refined and the flour bleached, any kilojoules from this type of bread are less likely to fill you up. It’s low in fibre and nutrients, and has a higher glycemic index compared to other breads.

High fibre white bread – Different types of grain are added (such as maize), which increases the fibre without changing the texture of white bread. A good choice for kids who won’t eat healthier breads.

Wholemeal – Made out of flour that is ground from the whole grain, it retains much of the original nutrients and fibre. It is a better choice than white bread, although some breads can be brown from colourings rather than wholemeal flour, so check the label.

Whole grain bead / multigrain – Made from various combinations of flour, grain and even seeds, this is a better choice for your health, and it is less processed. You can actually see the whole grains. However, some multigrain breads are like white bread with a few grains thrown in, so check the label and avoid anything with bleached flour.

Rye / pumpernickel – Breads that use rye flour have a lower glycemic index, which can help you feel fuller for longer. Generally the darker the bread, the higher the fibre content.

Soy and linseed breads - Soy and linseed breads are higher in fibre and protein, making them a good choice. They can also be a little higher in fat (all be it healthy fats), so watch your portions.

Flat breads (pita) – Can be similar to white or wholemeal breads depending on the type of flour used.

Mountain / lavash bread – Often used for wraps, mountain bread is very thin, giving you a smaller hit of kilojoules. There are many different varieties (eg. oat, spelt, barley and chia), and they are a good alternative to traditional sandwiches.

Turkish / Ciabatta bread – These types of bread use more oil in the ingredients, so they can be higher in kilojoules. Watch your portions.

Garlic bread – It’s white bread soaked in butter, so it’s not going to be great for your waistline. Eat occasionally, and trade off with extra exercise.

Banana bread – Cake by any other name, banana bread is high in fat and sugar, and best kept as an occasional treat.

A final note – Be aware that it’s not just the type of bread you choose that’s important for weight management, but it’s also the amount, and what you put on it.

What’s your favourite type of bread? Have you cut out bread in the past to lose weight?

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