Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day
1 Mar 2015

Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day

2 mins to read
Are you guilty of skipping breakfast? Find out why this morning meal really is the most important of the day and which foods should be top of your list when thinking about breakfast.

Why you need a healthy breakfast

After anywhere between 6 and 12 hours without food, your body needs fuel and nutrients. It's time to break that fast. A good breakfast provides a number of benefits for both weight loss and health, including:
  • Prevention of hunger later in the morning, aiding weight loss by reducing snacking
  • Nutrients and fuel to boost your energy levels throughout the day
  • Improved mental performance
  • Sets a solid foundation for healthy eating throughout the day

Making the time for breakfast

Breakfast may be an easy meal to skip when you're busy or in a rush, yet it's the easiest meal to prepare. It’s as simple as making the time for breakfast and making it a habit.
  • If you don't like the thought of eating early in the morning, use morning tea time to eat healthy breakfast foods
  • Get organised by preparing your muesli or smoothie the night before, and leaving it in the fridge
  • If you are short of time, choose foods that can be consumed in transit, such as yogurt, a breakfast drink, or no-mess fruit such as an apple or grapes

Eat more of these 4 essential breakfast foods

1. Oats

Eaten as muesli or porridge, rolled oats are a genuine whole grain that can be enjoyed all year round. They are high in soluble fibre, which acts like a sponge to fats and cholesterol and help to improve digestive function.

DO YOU KNOW: How healthy is your muesli?

Serve with skim milk or low fat milk alternatives, and use a small serving of sultans or chopped fruit for sweetness instead of sugar or honey. It's also best to avoid quick cook oats, toasted muesli, or added cream if you want to lose body fat.

2. Skim milk and alternatives

Skim milk is lower in kilojoules and up to 40 times lower in saturated fat compared to full cream milk. It is also high in protein, vitamin D and calcium - all important nutrients for your health. Use it in smoothies, or over whole grain cereal topped with seeds and nuts. You can also substitute reduced fat varieties of milk alternatives, such as rice milk, almond milk or soy milk. Just keep an eye on their sugar content.

3. Eggs

Eggs are a fantastic source of fullness giving protein, and can be enjoyed every day if your diet is healthy overall. They contain a wide range of nutrients such as iron, antioxidants and vitamins A, B, E and D. Eggs are also high in iodine, which is essential for healthy thyroid function, which in turn maintains your metabolism.

EGGS: The secret to snacking less

Enjoy them poached or hard boiled not fried. Combine them with tasty additions such grilled tomato, grilled mushrooms, steamed spinach and smoked salmon while going easy on breakfast sausages, bacon, hollandaise sauce and hash browns.

4. Berries

Berries are slightly tart, as they are lower in sugar than most other fruits. Their vibrant colours also highlight the fact that they are bursting with nutrients and antioxidants. What's more, they are a good source of fibre, helping to improve your digestive health.

Delicious in smoothies, or added to whole grain breakfast cereals, berries can be bought fresh or frozen. Avoid strawberry or raspberry jams (too high in sugar), or having cream with your berries (too high in fat)

What's your must eat breakfast food? Tell us in the comment section below!

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