Joining over 34,000 participants on Sunday 20 September 2015, the former Miss Universe Australia will be encouraging all Aussies to pull on their trainers to run over the Harbour Bridge, traffic free on race day.
“I am so excited to be part of the
Blackmores Sydney Running Festival this year,” said Jesinta. “I love being outdoors and being active with my friends and family so it’s the perfect mash-up of some of my favourite things,” she said.
The Blackmores Sydney Running Festival incorporates the Blackmores Sydney Marathon (42km), Blackmores Half Marathon (21km), Blackmores Bridge Run (9km) and Medibank Family Fun Run (3.5km) – so there is something for everyone, at any age and every level of fitness.
“What I am most looking forward to most is running across the Harbour Bridge and taking in the sights and sounds of this beautiful city I live in. And of course, making it across the finish line!” she laughs, “I’ll definitely be taking some Blackmores Magnesium!”
“I am really passionate about looking after your personal wellbeing and encourage everyone to get outside and go for a walk or run – it can really help clear your mind!”
Many runners are looking to raise funds for charity with over $14 million dollars raised since the event’s inception. This year participants can fundraise for one of the 37 official charities including lead charities Can Too Foundation and Cerebral Palsy Alliance, or one of their own chosen charities.
After crossing the finish line, Campbell will celebrate her race results with all participants on the grounds of the Royal Botanical Gardens at the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival Recovery Village. There will be free entertainment, Blackmores Yoga to help runners recover and free massage available for all participants.
To get involved and join Jesinta Campbell run at the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival, register now at and come on the path to
wellbeing with Blackmores.
Blackmores Sydney Running Festival is proudly supported by the NSW Government, through its tourism and major events agency Destination NSW.