Dairy products and fertility
There appears to be a downward trend in fertility throughout the world, and that may be due, at least in part, to nutrition. According to preliminary research presented to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the fat in dairy foods may be of particular concern. The study found that sperm shape was less likely to be "normal" as men's dairy intake increased. This connection was particularly strong when full-fat dairy products were consumed. Increased consumption of full fat dairy products was also associated with lower sperm motility and concentration. This connection still held true after accounting for other influencing factors, such as body weight, smoking history, alcohol intake and caffeine consumption. It was noted that because the study details were presented at a medical meeting and not yet published, the information is preliminary, and more research is needed.
In research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition the link between dairy fats and reduced sperm quality was examined in 701 young men. Researchers found that as saturated fat intake increased, sperm count and concentration decreased. Men who consumed the most saturated fat had a 38% reduction in sperm concentration and 41% lower sperm count compared with men with the lowest saturated intake. Full fat dairy products are high in saturated fats, and more than 30% of the saturated fat intake among men in this study was derived from dairy and cheese products. According to the researchers, environmental chemicals may bio-accumulate in dairy fat, and could disrupt the balance of hormones and reduce semen quality. No association between semen quality and the consumption of other types of fat was found.
Practical tips on how to reduce your fat intake from dairy foods
Some dairy foods are traditionally high in fat, yet there is a diverse range of low fat and reduced fat choices available. Following is a series of tips designed to help reduce your intake of dietary fat from dairy foods.
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