I’m not afraid to admit there are many good things about beer. It not only refreshes your thirst, but it compliments many foods, and it can even help you enjoy the company of other blokes. But as the festive season approaches, along with the warmer weather, there will be challenges ahead in trying to keep the beer intake down to minimum. After all, beer is loaded with kilojoules, and it may also slow down your metabolic rate, reduce sleep quality and increase your appetite. And keeping a beer gut at bay is certainly a good health and fitness goal.
If you want to get into shape for the sun and surf, or if that belt is getting a little tight, now is a good time to cut back on the amber fluids. And with Feb-fast, dry July and Ocsober all regular features on the calendar, giving up the grog has never been more popular. So what’s a poor, thirsty guy to do? Here are a few of my favourite tips for keeping your alcohol intake to a minimum.
Use the buddy system – Harness the power of your mates instead of having them work against you. Encourage the lads to join you in your quest to drink less, or even challenge them to a bet. It’s also a good idea to spend more time with friends who are not big drinkers.
Offer to drive – If you still like to go out socially, but don’t want to be harassed by your friends for not drinking, offer to be the driver for the night.
- Reward yourself for not drinking – Treat yourself to something that you’ll enjoy, like a magazine, book, CD, DVD or trip to the movies. This is especially helpful when you are just starting out.
Think about the alternatives – If your goal is to reduce body fat, there’s not much benefit to be had by switching from alcohol to high kilojoule alternatives like fruit juice or soft drink. Try plain water instead, or mineral water with a dash of lime.
Be active – Exercise can boost your mood and provide momentum for positive lifestyle changes. It will also help further boost your chances of reducing body fat.
Lighten up – If you just can’t say no to a drink, the good news is that lower alcohol and mid-strength beers have come a long way. Not only are they much lower in kilojoules, they taste good too. These are a better choice for your waistline than low-carb beers, which are often only slightly lower in kilojoules than full strength beer.
Have you tried Feb-fast, dry July or Ocsober?