When you glance over at a gathering of your mates and the scene looks something like a re-union of the Village People you can be assured that Movember has arrived!
But it’s a lot more than just an ugly reminder of those macho men with the not-so macho moustaches from the 70’s. Movember raised over $124 million last year, with the funds used to support prostate health and mental health disorders in men. Nearly 2 million people have registered for Movember since its humble beginnings in 2003, including people from Australia and New Zealand, and 19 other countries around the globe. That’s a lot of facial hair in anyone’s language.
A new theme this year is Movember & Sons. Using the collective knowledge of generations past and present, the idea is to avoid making the same mistakes, and planning thoughtfully for the future. It’s a chance to talk with your father or son and share information about each other’s health history so everyone is aware of any predispositions they may face. It’s hoped this type of insight and information sharing can continue on throughout life both up and down the chain. It also gives everyone a better opportunity in the future for the early detection and treatment of disease, which can improve the quality and longevity of your life.
So the time has come to see if you have what it takes to be a Mo Bro, with the aim to raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health. Your moustache can help put men’s health in the spotlight.