It’s been an interesting month. For the first few weeks, I’ve found people asking me if I am doing Movemeber with near desperation in their voice. It’s like they are worried that I could be growing a moustache for the sake of it. I have since been compared to a 1970’s cricketer, a deputy principle, a pool cleaner man and a flamenco dancer, among others I dare not mention.
It seems that the awareness of Movember has gone from strength to strength. But what about awareness of the issues that Movember is trying to address? Let’s not forget the real meaning behind the mo – that being men’s mental health and prostate health. Last year Movember raised over $20 million towards these worthy causes. The hope is to raise even more money this year, with funds donated to organisations that will target the cure and prevention of disease.
At an individual level, it’s important to be aware of the health issues facing men today. I have become increasingly aware that the years are creeping up on me, and I’m reminded of it every time I look in the mirror and see the extra grey hairs scattered throughout my mo. You’ll be pleased to know that there is an abundance of information on prostate health and mental health / stress management on this website. We’ll also continue to update you on the latest research, and offer practical advice on how to boost your health and prevent illness.
Did you grow a mo this month? What do you think are the most important health issues affecting men?