10 ways to prevent adult acne
5 Sep 2014

10 ways to prevent adult acne

2 mins to read
You may have thought you left your bad skin behind in your teens, but hormones and lifestyle factors can easily cause it to reappear, writes naturopath Jennifer McLennan.

Acne typically develops during puberty, when higher levels of male hormones called androgens increase the size and activity of the sebaceous glands. This in turn raises the skin’s sebum (oil) levels.

Hormonal fluctuations also mean some women experience acne as a component of pre-menstrual syndrome (or during other times of hormonal change, including pregnancy and menopause).The two weeks prior to a period is also a time when women suffer from an increased rate of infection due to a lowered immune system.

Stress from day-to-day life can affect hormone balance and cause disruption to the reproductive hormones.

Furthermore, an unhealthy lifestyle consisting of poor food choices, alcohol and coffee may put demands on the liver and bowel, meaning that hormones and toxins are not processed properly and may possibly affect the skin.

Here are my 10 top tips to prevent adult acne

#1 Eat a balanced diet low in sugar, saturated fats and junk food, and high in fruits, vegetables, fibre, whole grains and antioxidants. This will provide nutrients and building blocks for healthy cells.

#2 Drink 8 glasses of water per day to flush out the skin and underlying lymph nodes. Avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks, as they can dehydrate you.

#3 Try a supplement containing zinc. Zinc has been shown to help heal inflamed acne. It is also an important mineral that benefits the immune system. Furthermore, zinc can stabilise hormones and help to lower androgen levels.

#4 Chromium and vitamin B6 improve pre-menstrual acne. Brewers yeast is naturally high in these nutrients, and can be found at your local health food store. Sprinkle it over your cereal 10 days prior to your period.

#5 Wash your skin regularly. It is best to gently wash face with a natural face wash or cleanser. Pat your face dry after washing.

#6 Stress management is important to help prevent hormonal imbalances. Try incorporating your favourite stress-busting activities like exercise, mediation, or yoga.

#7 Take vitex, a herb that may help to treat pre-menstrual syndrome.

#8 Take skin-supporting herbs, like echinacea which boosts the immune system to deal with infections, and calendula which may help with skin healing and inflammation.

#9 Look after your liver. The liver clears hormones and toxins from the body, so limiting toxins like alcohol and coffee will support its function. Try swapping your coffee for a cup of dandelion tea, and incorporate the herb milk thistle to assist liver function.

#10 Exercise at least three times a week to help promote clearance of toxins from the skin and lymph nodes and to promote hormone clearance.


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