Are you sure you're not having twins?
16 Nov 2010

Are you sure you're not having twins?

1 mins to read
My mother, bless her, taught me that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. It’s an age-old sentiment that I thought would apply equally to expectant women along with the rest of the population. But, I was wrong.

During my first pregnancy I got a lot of unsolicited commentary on my physical appearance - some of it positive but most of it anything but. At almost thirty weeks into my second pregnancy it’s obvious nothing much has changed, except perhaps my tolerance levels are a little lower.  I still have ten weeks to go but I’ve already had my fill of comments like: “you’re huge”, “look at that big belly” or, my personal favourite, “are you sure you’re not having twins?”.

Now, I’m no Miranda Kerr but I’m no ten-tonne Tesse either. And don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely delighted to be expecting. Getting up the duff was no overnight decision and I’m grateful and in wonder at my body for undergoing the changes necessary to accommodate another human being.

But gratitude and my pre-baby body aside, it’s not good for the ego to be regularly told you resemble a beached whale!

It’s particularly odd as pregnancy is a time when it’s universally acknowledged that women tend to be hyper sensitive and emotional - go figure. On the rare occasion I’ve challenged someone who has made what I deem to be an offensive comment the response I get is “oh, I hope I haven’t insulted you… I meant to say you look great.” So we’re back to the first point. 

If you don’t have anything nice to say, INCLUDING TO EXPECTANT WOMEN, please, please, please, bite your tongue or at the very least think about what you say before you speak! Simple.

If you’ve had a similar experience or wish to share any classic pregnancy comments you’ve received (or heard) I’d love to hear from you…

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