During such a delicate time as pregnancy, keeping healthy is on every mum-to-be’s priority list. But sometimes it’s difficult to avoid the dreaded cold or flu when you have sick children and adults coughing and spluttering around you.
It’s good to know that there are some helpful nutrients and remedies to take when you feel you need some additional immune support.
The following nutrients and remedies are considered to be safe in pregnancy. However, it is best to consult with your healthcare professional about the correct dosage, form and how any remedy should be taken that you may require during your pregnancy – particularly if you are already taking a pregnancy multivitamin.
Generally it is best to avoid all herbal medicine in the first trimester unless specifically prescribed by a qualified herbalist. In the second and third trimesters, a number of herbs are considered safe, however you should always check to make sure the herbs you are considering are considered safe in your case.
Garlic possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiparasitic properties. Add fresh cloves to your cooking, rub a fresh garlic clove onto your toast, or for the brave - eat them raw.
Ginger has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal actions. Ginger is warming and soothing to the digestion. Infuse fresh ginger slices in boiling water and drink throughout the day. Add some lemon juice to your ginger tea for some extra vitamin C.
When you aren’t feeling well, your appetite naturally drops. This can be an issue in pregnant women if it goes on longer that 24-48hrs as the developing baby relies on the nutrition derived from food. Make sure you keep your food intake up as much as you can by choosing simple, easy to digest nourishing foods such as soups, casseroles, scrambled eggs (without cream), vegetable juices and stewed fruits.
REST!!! If you have difficulties allowing yourself this important healing time, then consider it a prescription. There is nothing more powerful to the immune system than rest and good quality sleep. Have you been feeling run down? Are you doing too many things in the lead up to the birth? It is important to investigate what caused you to be susceptible to infection in the first place and to look to ways that your health can be more supported during your pregnancy.
As mentioned above, vitamin D is especially beneficial for immune health. Getting some fresh air and lying in the sun for a short while will do wonders for your immune system and mental health.
It really is the best medicine...and it’s completely safe in pregnancy!
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