Happy Mummy
8 Jun 2010

Happy mummy = healthy baby

2 mins to read
Jenny Dugard of Body Beyond Baby looks at how to balance life, exercise, wellbeing and a baby.

It can be hard work being a mum, but maintaining your health and fitness after children enter your life has many positive effects.

Once out of the postnatal stage, we re-enter the world of the ‘general population’. The aim here is to consistently make exercise part of your daily routine. This will not only provide a great example for your growing children, but it will also contribute to reduced anxiety, stress and low moods or self esteem - therefore contributing to a happier and more contented mother and, in turn, baby. If mum isn’t happy, then it may have a detrimental affect on the child down the track.

Before having my child I took for granted how easy it was to head off to the gym or out for a run with no second thought. If I had a spare half hour, it could easily be used for exercising. Now, however, it takes significantly more planning, and I need at least an hour. Let’s look at some ways in which you can maintain some ‘you’ time. This can be in the form of exercise which, as I always say, results in a happy mummy and happy baby.

Buddy up with a friend – Find a like-minded mum and organise a time when she can look after your bub while you head out for a jog. You can then return the favour. Nap times often work best and if you manage to coordinate routines you might both get out and back within one nap!

Train with your child and time your cardio – I hear many mums say they can’t take their older baby out for a run around the park as he or she hates being in the pram. I totally understand this scenario, but if you play it smart you may find you have some time on your side. Head to the park at breakfast time and pack healthy finger foods for your toddler’s breakfast to keep them amused. There may be a little stopping and starting as you pass food their way, but you will both become more efficient and you will have your exercise done before 9am – bonus!

Find a ‘Mums With Bubs’ exercise group – These groups are used to having babies and small children around so there is no need to find additional care. Your baby can be incorporated into the workout, perched on a blanket beside you or cared for by a nanny – perfect for those children who no longer sit still or require some settling!  Head to www.bodybeyondbaby.com.au for more information.

Buy some simple equipment and train at home – Choose your purchases wisely and think about gaining the help of a Personal Trainer to help you put together a training program. With just a resistance elastic and medicine ball you can put yourself through many varying and challenging workouts in your lounge room or garden while your baby sleeps.

There are many other creative ways to incorporate exercise into life with young children. All you need is a little determination and creativity. Take on the challenge today and get ready for a happier and healthier you, along with a more contented bub – enjoy!

Read Jenny's pregnancy blog here

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