Nature has an amazing way of giving us what we need. Something as natural as pregnancy therefore will also follow this rule.
Many women I see in my private practice who are pregnant often report at least a couple of the common “symptoms” of pregnancy. It might be morning sickness, fatigue, constipation, fluid retention, or heartburn to name a few. Without a doubt, fatigue is the most common.
I often wonder if fatigue is so common because modern life keeps us so busy. Pregnancy is an ancient and natural part of being a woman. Pregnant women of today are going through exactly the same processes, transformations and changes as a pregnant woman of thousands of years ago. There really has not been the evolution in our biological chemistry that allows us to be pregnant and also deal with modern day stresses, busyness and demands.
Fatigue in pregnancy is nature’s way of telling us to stop, rest, and adjust our priorities. Often when I tell women to leave the dishes and take a nap, it is often met with much resistance. But then if I tell them that it is the best thing for their baby, it is often easier for them to take heed of my advice. The phrase “listen to your body” has such meaning in pregnancy - for the benefit for both you and baby. Your body will often “tell” you in some way what you and your baby most need now.
Letting go of how you previously did things is a huge part of being pregnant, especially if this is your first time. You might not be able to do as much as you used to, or maybe you are craving more reflective, relaxing activities. Maybe you just need to ask for help for the first time. The more you resist your body’s urges, the more your symptoms will continue.
Ask yourself honestly: what do you really want to do right now? And make the arrangements to allow this to happen. It will create a much more enjoyable experience of pregnancy.