It happens all too often. A woman decides that she no longer wants to take the Pill for contraceptive purposes but her cycle doesn’t return normally. This can be incredibly frustrating especially when you have had your heart set on conceiving as quickly as possible.
Let’s look at why this happens and what can be done about it.
The synthetic hormones in the pill mimic your natural hormones. Your altered hormonal balance makes you temporarily infertile by altering the womb’s lining to prevent implantation, making the mucus in the cervix hostile to sperm, and if taking the combination pill, ovulation is inhibited.
Impacts of the Pill: Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Taking the Pill long term may result in increased requirements for the B vitamins, including folic acid, and certain minerals such as zinc. These crucial nutrients are not just required for normal functioning of your body but are also pivotal to a healthy conception and early stage foetal development.
As noted above the Pill causes a suppression of your natural hormone secretion and synthesis and instead supplies artificial hormones in order to have the desired contraceptive effect. It is therefore reasonable to expect that your natural cycle and hormone secretion will take some time to recover, especially if you have taken the Pill for a number of years.
Hormonal disruption and imbalances that occur after coming off the Pill will commonly result in a lack of or irregular menstruation initially and therefore it will be difficult to determine when your fertile times are.
You can stop taking the combination Pill at any time. But don’t be fooled by the bleeding that occurs once you stop. This is not a normal period. It is the withdrawal bleed (like what happens when you take the sugar pill each 28 days) and is not an indication that your hormones have kicked in straight away. It may take another month or so before this happens. If you are taking the mini-Pill, then it is best to complete the cycle as this type of pill does not prevent ovulation.
According to Naturopath Francesca Naish in Natural Fertility, 30% of women bleed within 30 days, 60% bleed within 60 days, 8% bleed within 2-6 months, and 2% bleed after 6 months.
Naish also believes that it generally takes 6 months to replenish nutrients and to eliminate the residue from the Pill which is stored in fatty tissue and the liver. Consulting with a naturopath privately may help to ensure all your nutrient needs are addressed. You may be recommended a specific detoxification program to assist with the elimination of the synthetic hormones from the Pill.
Observing and recording your mucus changes and taking your basal metabolic temperature will be helpful in finding out if ovulation has occurred and when you are fertile. A series of symptom free periods is also a good indication that your hormones and nutrient levels are optimal – you are now ready to go!
Recommended reading
Pope, A. & Bennet, J. The Pill. Australia: Allen & Unwin. 2008
References available on request