Sometimes a thorough preconception plan the second-time around sounds a bit exhausting, overwhelming and time consuming when you already have a little one that needs looking after.
Gone are the days where you would daydream about starting a family, imagine being pregnant and doing everything in your control to conceive at a time when you feel that you are at your peak health wise. Mums are so used to putting themselves last that considering getting your body in tip top shape for a subsequent pregnancy doesn’t get a look in.
In preparing for your first pregnancy you may have read all the books, visited your healthcare professional, ensured your life was in proper balance, exercised regularly, eaten well, taken supplements, followed all the advice, and religiously charted your cycle.
Second time around, especially if planning your second baby soon after your first, constraints around time, money, and the general responsibilities of being a full time mum can result in a preconception period that isn’t optimal.
So here are my top tips for a healthy preconception stage for baby number two…..even three, four or more!
1. Replenish your reserves
Previous pregnancies, childbirth, breastfeeding and disrupted sleep all have huge nutritional and emotional requirements which may deplete your stores even in the healthiest of women. If you are considering another baby it is vital that you start to fill up your tank again, not just for the pregnancy and labour but for the endurance it takes to be the mother of several little children!
Do whatever it takes for you to feel nourished and restored, and give yourself at least 3 months of this. Naturally, a healthy diet is crucial (more on this below) but also consider pampering yourself a bit, taking some time out, meditating, going to bed early, breathing in lots of fresh air, and surrounding yourself with people that make you laugh. If your nervous system is feeling a little frayed around the edges from sleep deprivation and the general anxieties of being a mum, consider chatting to a naturopath for some specific herbal medicine support to help calm and nurture.
2. Boost your nutrients
According to Naturopath Jennifer McLennan, past pregnancies, childbirth and breastfeeding use up a lot of nutrients like folate, iodine, calcium and iron. Jennifer says “If you haven’t been eating such a healthy balanced diet since your last baby was born, you’re more likely to be lacking in certain vitamins and mineral essential for a healthy conception and pregnancy.”
“A preconception multivitamin may help to fill the gaps of a less than healthy diet and ensure all nutrients are available for when conception and foetal development occurs”.
But it is essential that you also nourish your body with a whole food diet. Enjoy lots of fresh vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, nuts and seeds, fresh fruit, and plenty of filtered water. Avoid any foods that take nutrients away from your body like refined sugar and soft drinks, white flours and breads, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks.
Make sure you are eating regularly and in a relaxed environment, and not just finishing your toddler’s leftovers or eating on the run. Consider also seeing your doctor to get some of the key nutrients for foetal development tested like iodine, folate and iron.
3. Know when you are fertile: Chart your cycle
It might sound obvious, but knowing when you are fertile will help you to plan things a bit better. Your cycle could be very different since having children. It’s also helpful to know when to avoid sex while you are building up your reserves and nutrients so you don’t conceive when you are still depleted or before you feel ready. There are plenty of great smartphone apps now that assist you with this, or simply record it in your diary.
Whatever positive change you can manage to commit to in your preconception phase will positively benefit you and your future baby and go a long way to helping you enjoy motherhood with vitality.