My previous blog was about how your smartphone may help you to conceive, but now in the news this week a study has shown possible negative impacts of mobile phone usage during pregnancy.
Confused much?
The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, has shown a possible link between mobile phone usage during pregnancy and behavioural problems in children.
Both the results and study design have been questioned by experts. While further research is needed in this area before we know for sure the risks of mobile phone radiation and foetal development, it does highlight some interesting points.
We have only been using mobile phones for a relatively short amount of time. They simply have not been around long enough for us to examine the long term implications of use.
On a daily basis we are exposed to all sorts of electromagnetic radiation: Bluetooth, cordless phones, air travel, medical X-rays, and even your clock radio and microwave emit radiation.
If you live in a major city, you just need to flick on the Wi-Fi option on your phone or computer to see the amount of networks your device picks up.
What really surprised me from this recent study was not just the impact on the developing foetus but that over 35% of 7 year olds use a mobile phone. My parents didn’t even own a mobile phone between them when I was 7...and that was not very long ago.
I believe we will start to see increasing amounts of research looking at the effects of excessive radiation on our immune health, our sleep patterns and of course, reproduction.
In the mean time, I will be following the researchers’ advice and using my headset whenever I am on my mobile.