One of the great challenges for new mothers is to find the time to exercise without having to enlist the help of a baby sitter or childcare. Enter the jogging stroller!
The jogging stroller is designed for both mum (or dad) and baby’s comfort, so that you can get out for a walk or run with bub, who may even get a little shut-eye along the way.
I recently spoke to early childhood and parenting expert Jan Murray about the many benefits that "strollercise" has to offer and what features to look out for to get the right jogging stroller for you and your baby.
Andrew Cate - How important is exercise for new Mum's?
Jan Murray - Being a new mum can be isolating and stressful. Mums can feel anxious about many things, and if this nervousness continues it can head down the path to depression.
Regular moderate exercise has been found to help reduce anxiety and depression, and studies suggest that a group of mums who pushed their prams three times a week had greater improvements in mental health compared to women who sit and chat.
AC - Do you often recommend stroller walking?
JM - Being isolated within the walls of home can be very difficult for new mums and especially for those that have left a busy and social work environment. For this reason, I recommend mums get out of the house and go for a walk in the fresh air several times a week and start in the first few weeks.
Many mums can’t walk baby-free, in which case they need to get a suitable walking stroller to use. Getting out and chatting with other mums while walking can reduce feelings of isolation as well as improving mood, which means baby will be happier too.
AC - What are the benefits of stroller-based exercise?
JM - Stroller walking is not only good for mum but for baby too.
Walking improves mum’s mood while helping to reduce those extra unwanted kilograms.
Infant senses need stimulating to enhance development—what better way to hear, see, feel and smell different things than travelling along in a stroller outside in the fresh air. While relaxed and content baby may even fit in a quick nap too.
AC - Are there any special consideration mothers should take into account?
JM - Not all babies like the stroller at first (especially if they are not facing mum). Be patient and if baby is less than 4 months old try going at a regular sleep-time.
After this age, they will be happier to face outwards and enjoy the scenery. Walking times may change with the season or child’s age but try to stick to a regular time for as long as possible, this way baby feels more secure with what is happening and more willing to comply.
Getting out before 10am and after 3pm is the best time to avoid UV exposure and sunburn.
AC - Are there any unique features to look out for when considering a jogging stroller?
JM - Strollers with large inflated wheels (front ones that swivel) give a smooth ride with easier manoeuvrability.
Ensure the handle height keeps elbows slightly bent and body not hunched over. Upright posture is very important in reducing back strain.
Make sure baby can be comfortably and securely strapped in and protected from the sun (purchase a UV protector).
A place to put water and baby essentials is handy. And check that the stroller folds up easily and fits in your car boot.
Do you have any tips on how to get the most out of your jogger stroller?