What about Mums life balance 1260x542
29 Apr 2010

What about Mum's life balance?

2 mins to read
I sit here at 3.45pm almost 25 weeks pregnant having dropped Marley off at family day care at 8am this morning, head to the park to run my Body Beyond Baby group exercise sessions, dash to the studio to train a one on one client, then on to a café to interview a trainer to join me in my business – I just ate lunch … I know, I hear you – 3pm! Number one rule – make time for fuel!

I sit here at 3.45pm almost 25 weeks pregnant having dropped Marley off at family day care at 8am this morning, head to the park to run my Body Beyond Baby group exercise sessions, dash to the studio to train a one on one client, then on to a café to interview a trainer to join me in my business – I just ate lunch … I know, I hear you – 3pm! Number one rule – make time for fuel! (There was a strategically placed apple, protein bar and some almonds to help me on my way). But it got me thinking about why I ran around today and how I can use this to pass on to you the value and the total importance of planning for your own baby/family/work/YOU balance.

I am searching for a person to join the Body Beyond Baby team as I have made the decision not to do any face to face sessions between early July and mid January next year. I will still be running the backbone of the business but if baby comes on time this should give me a few weeks before the birth to make sure our house is in order, my business is in order and dare I say it take a little time out for myself.

Then moving forwards I can allow myself the extra time usually spent delivering sessions with my new bundle of joy whilst also maintaining my relationship with my son Marley through a changing dynamic, along with that of my husband, rest when I need to and keep the business ticking over. This is my plan and I have it in place, or almost in place. I am sure there will be bumps along the way and things will change from time to time, but what I want you to think about is your plan. 

I have grown to understand that despite all of the equal opportunities that are part of today’s world that in a ‘traditional’ house hold – and I say ‘traditional’ with my breath held as I know there are so many different family dynamics these days and I am bound to offend someone but it is generally mum who somehow manages to do a bit of everything.
Think back to your pregnancy, and if you are pregnant consider this – you stop working at some point, you use this time to look after yourself and prepare for the arrival of your new baby.  Generally everything health and wellbeing-wise is about you at this point; ‘Gotta look after mum to look after the growing baby.’ Then you go into labour, baby arrives, your whole world has changed and so too it seems has the concern of the people around you … “How is the baby?” “Is she sleeping well?” “Is she feeding well?” and so on, it becomes less and less about you and how you are feeling and whether you are getting enough, or should I say, ANY time for yourself.

Being a mum is a wonderful time and you should savor every moment as they grow up so quick but I also want to encourage you to be a little selfish.  If you have family around, fantastic, introduce them to your little one as soon as you feel comfortable and get them used to being around each other, find a childless friend who loves your little one and introduce them to each other – then escape – go out for a walk (without the pram), do some yoga by the beach with both eyes closed rather than one keeping an eye on the baby, go to your local coffee shop and read a trashy mag without the Baby Bjorn strapped to your front. Just do whatever you need to do to feel like your own person again and to feel like you have looked after yourself. And don’t just do this once in a while, make it a weekly or daily event.  Get a diary and plan it, write the YOU times on your calendar and make mum a priority – have a plan because at the end of the day a Happy Mummy = Happy Baby and don’t forget to remind your husband a Happy Wife = Happy Life. Enjoy your time out.

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