By Nikki Yazxhi, BellaMUMMA: Life can be as chaotic as you allow it to be - meaning you can actually make it
more stressful than it needs to be! True story!
To stress less, slow down, take a deep breath and try to take on board a few (or all) of the following:
1. Know what you’re trying to achieve and why
Lack of direction can create stress. Whenever you want to achieve something, try to keep your conscious clear. Focus on what it is you want and why. You can't achieve goals if you don't know what they are!
2. Only focus on what’s important
In other words, put first things first and focus on what's essential - then eliminate the rest.
3. Think progress, not perfection
Stop trying to make everything perfect - you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, just do your very best and focus on the progress you’ve made and the progress you intend to make.
4. Cleanse your heart every night
Just as your body needs regular cleansing, so does your heart. Try to forgive people and let things go at the end of each day. You'll wake up the next morning refreshed and free of negativity.
5. Ignore untrue thoughts
You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. Behind every stressful feeling is an untrue thought. When you change your thoughts and your way of thinking, you change your life.
6. Expect some stress, accept it, and then let go of it.
We live in a stressful world, it's something we need to accept, deal with and carry on. And stop yourself stressing about out about being stressed - for obvious reasons!
7. Be kind to your body
Working out is one of best stress reducers, so try to do 30 to 60 minutes of uninterrupted
exercise a day - and a make sure you eat a healthy, balanced diet.
8. Do one nice thing for yourself every day
Put yourself at the top of your priority list, even if it's just for an hour! Give yourself something special – like time-out for some quiet reading, coffee with friends, a massage, a long walk, etc. Remember, you are worth it.
9. Simplify and organise
Try to keep your home, workspace and diary uncluttered - in other words, don't over-commit yourself. Give yourself room and time to think and breathe... so you can explore the possibilities for happiness every day. is a premium beauty and lifestyle website that covers everything beauty-full in life... beauty tricks of the trade; the latest style trends & lust-haves; celebrity mums (+their babes, their fashion and their beauty tips); must-have (hard-working) beauty products; home inspiration; happiness & health tips; travel & snippets into Nikki at bellaMUMMA's personal life