17 Apr 2010

Blackmores new “No Need to Stress” campaign

1 mins to read
We're excited to kick off our No Need to Stress campaign. Take the Stress Quiz and share your results with the rest of Australia at www.blackmores.com.au/stress

Do you suffer from stress as a result of today’s fast-paced culture? Are you always busy with too much to do and no time to do it?

We know that one in five Australian adults report moderate to severe levels of stress. With stress being a health and wellbeing concern for many Australians, we realise that stress comes in many guises. For some, the train trip to work is something to be endured, for others it’s a chance to enjoy a coffee and read a book. 

This campaign aims to acknowledge the many forms of stress and remind people how they can help to restore their balance.

The Stress Quiz
Why not compare your stress levels to the rest of Australia?
Visit our “Assess your Stress” website where you can take a short stress quiz to get your own personal stress assessment and compare results to the rest of Australia. You’ll find tips and resources on how to deal with stress and help find balance in your life. Blackmores Naturopaths are also on hand for personalised advice via their free Advisory Service 1800 803 760.

Win a holiday to Fiji!
Once you complete the quiz, you can also go in the draw to WIN the ultimate balance restoring weekend in Fiji. In partnership with the Treasure Island Resort the prize includes return flights for two people, 3 nights’ accommodation in an Ocean view room plus $300 to use in the luxurious on site Sekikai Resort Spa.

Take the Stress Quiz today and compare yourself to the rest of Australia! www.blackmores.com.au/stress.

View the new Blackmores No Need to Stress TV ad.


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