Online food diaries and weight loss
It’s well known that keeping a food diary is a helpful weight loss tool. Now that technology is rapidly becoming integrated into health care, anyone with access to a computer or mobile phone can track their food intake like never before. The simple act of writing down what you eat creates accountability, and helps you through the process of making dietary changes.
Just like the old pen and paper method, an online food diary helps you achieve accountability, along with a variety of additional benefits, including:
- the ability to easily track patterns in your food intake and identify ways to improve your diet
- a nutritional analysis of your diet, including a break-down of how much fat, protein, carbohydrates, kilojoules and key nutrients you are consuming.
- the ability to cut and paste your favourite meals, making the process of writing down what you eat much quicker than using pen and paper
- an easier and more accurate record of your food intake
- the ability to adjust your diet as you go. An interactive online food diary keeps a running total of the amount of kilojoules you have already consumed throughout the day. This allows you to make adjustments by knowing when to eat a little less or exercise a little more to stay on track.
- get a better handle on portions, as you will get fast feedback on the kilojoule consequences of various serving sizes.
The research
A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity examined the role that online food diaries played in the success of a web-based weight loss program. Other measures that were examined included online exercise diaries and online forums. The use of (or engagement with) an online food diary had the strongest association with percentage of weight lost in both men and women. According to the researchers, online self monitoring and support tools can improve attentional focus on the desired behaviour, and is associated with weight control success.
Using a digital food diary
Keeping track of everything you eat may seem like a bit of a hassle, but the benefits to your body shape are numerous, and there are some fantastic online programs that make it easy. The interactive website used in the study mentioned above gave participants a platform for recording their dietary intake online. The program sets personal daily kilojoule targets which are adjusted for activity and the individual's weight loss goals. It helps the user learn how to adjust their diet and lifestyle to lose body fat, and includes additional tools to support behaviour change.
References available upon request