Are you looking forward to the festive season but worried about how to balance the celebrations, so often centred around food and alcohol, with your weight, and your health?
Holiday weight gain is a well known phenomenon, and it can be hard to shift. But there are things you can do to prevent it while still enjoying the company of friends and family. Why not distance yourself a little from the festive indulgences and consider spending some time together being active. Keeping busy will not only help to burn off excess kilojoules, but it will mean you spend less time sitting around idle drinking alcohol or grazing on food. Whether you organise activities instead of a meal, or at least do something active before or after a meal, the difference to your health could be significant. It sets a good example to the kids, and adds a fun element to your time together.
Following are some suggestions on how to incorporate more movement into your festive season.
Will you spend any family time participating in games or activities? Do you have any suggestions for activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family?