A little help goes a long way
Imagine the difference a little extra support could make to your weight loss. Having another person or program to encourage you and keep things on track could be the difference between getting fat, and getting results. That support could come from a range of sources, including your partner, friend, relatives, work colleague, personal trainer, dietician, or naturopath.
There are also some fantastic internet support programs and online weight loss coaching services which offer a variety of features, such as blogs, articles, video demonstrations of exercises, recipes, meal plans and access to expert advice on a range of issues. Whatever type of support you are seeking, recent research has highlighted the difference it can make to your success at weight loss.
Triple the weight loss
Researchers compared the impact on body weight in a group of people who visited their doctor twice in three months with a group who visited their doctor 4 times, also in three months. Both groups received the same support and lifestyle advice, such as to walk briskly for 30 minutes 5 times a week, to cut back on kilojoules, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
The results suggested that by doubling the number of visits (4 instead of 2), subjects lost triple the amount of weight. The patients with 2 doctor visits lost an average of 3.3 kilograms, while patients with 4 visits lost nearly 10 kilograms. It seems that the frequency of supervision and support had a significant impact on the weight loss achieved by these people.
Gaining support for weight loss
Here are some suggestions on how to rally a little extra support to help achieve your weight management goals.
References available on request