Have you ever thought about the impact that alcohol has on your body shape. There are several reasons why alcohol makes it harder to control your weight, including:
- It’s high in kilojoules
- You tend to snack more on unhealthy foods when drinking and eat less mindfully
- Reducing your will power
- It can lead to inactivity and fat cravings the day after (depending on how much you have)
If your health and fitness goal is to lose weight, or maintain a healthy level of body fat, then maybe it's time to re-think how you drink.
With February being the new January when it comes to making positive lifestyle changes, why not take up the febfast challenge? febfast is a great initiative that encourages you to give up alcohol for a month. You can boost your health, lose weight and save money all while raising money for charity.
The holidays, Australia Day and the festive season are all behind you, as work and daily life settles back into routine. The fact that it's also the shortest month of the year makes it even easier to resist temptation, and challenge yourself. After a month, you can hopefully move forward with a clear head and a new lease on life. You'll have achieved something positive for your health, and know how to get by with less alcohol. And your waistline should thank you for it too. What have you got to lose, except a few kilos?
Are you prepared to give febfast a go this year?