Losing weight is one of the most common New Year's resolutions. That also means it's something that many people have given up on by the time February rolls around.
No doubt it can be hard to stick to your New Year's resolutions, but it can be even harder if you don't set the right resolution. A resolution that's as simple as "to lose weight" can be made with the best of intentions, but it doesn't offer direction. It's not likely to be motivating, and it's too general to help set a plan of action.
The four key steps to making your resolutions a reality are:
- Write it down - Very few people do this, but it forces you to set out exactly what you are trying to achieve.
- Focus on the action, not the result - Weight loss is an end result, but there needs to be action for it to occur. Focus on the action, and the result will come. Focus on the result, and you detract from the action. For example, focus on exercising five days every week, instead of saying I want lose five kilograms.
- Make one change at a time - Take little steps by making one small change at a time, and then make additional lifestyle changes as you progress. By keeping things simple, you make it achievable.
- Do something different - If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got. What can you do differently this year to stick to your resolution?
Now, here's the great thing about the blog you are reading right now. You can complete these four simple steps in the comments below, and get the ball rolling. Firstly, by making a comment, you'll be writing it down. Then, make sure your resolution is an action, and that it's a single lifestyle change you can adopt. Finally, this simple act of publically declaring your resolution for 2013 is probably something you haven't done before. I hope it can become a catalyst for success.
So, what's your action based New Year's resolution?