The portion size diet 1260x542
31 Mar 2010

The portion size diet

1 mins to read
With all the hype about protein, carbohydrates, the glycemic index and celebrity diets, it hard not to be overwhelmed with all the different weight loss strategies. But sometimes, the solution to a complex problem can be very simple. What if we just ate a little less?

With all the hype about protein, carbohydrates, the glycemic index and celebrity diets, it hard not to be overwhelmed with all the different weight loss strategies. But sometimes, the solution to a complex problem can be very simple. What if we just ate a little less?

The role of portion size in weight control is often forgotten. But the total “amount” of food we eat may have just as much influence on how many kilojoules we consume as the “types” of foods we eat. Eat too much food, even if it’s healthy, and you may find it more difficult to manage your weight.

So why don’t we eat smaller portions?

Our ability to judge what makes up a healthy and reasonable portion size can be influenced by a number of factors. To find out more about the significant impact that the size of serving bowls, containers and utensils can have on portion size, click here. Other factors that influence portion size include:

  • Eating speed – The faster you eat, the more you may eat
  • Emotional state – Feeling low may trigger overeating
  • Distractions – Eating in front of the television may take your focus away from how much you’ve consumed
  • Sleep – A lack of sleep may trigger hunger hormones
  • Food quality – It’s easier to eat large portions of processed, low fibre foods
  • Company – Some people eat more when eating with friends, or in large groups

What factors influence your portion sizes? What specific foods make it hard to control your portion sizes?

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