Relax to reshape your body 1260x542
13 Jan 2012

Relax to reshape your body

2 mins to read
Could high stress levels be impacting on your body shape? Online personal trainer Andrew Cate looks at how relaxation can not only ease your mind, but it may also ease your waistline.

What is relaxation?
Relaxation is a break from your work or activities involving rest or pleasant recreation (although it isn’t sleep). It allows your body to release tension, and leads to physical and emotional changes that are opposite to the stress response. It can strengthen your physical and emotional reserves to help cope with future stress. By pushing the pause button and relaxing for even just a few moments, you can re-boot your energy levels and rejuvenate your body. It helps to minimise the release of stress hormones. According to new research, relaxation may also play a role in weight control by helping to counteract the effects of stress. Chronic stress has been shown to increases the intake of high kilojoule foods.

The research
Researchers reviewed the results of participants in the LIFE study, a two-phase trial comparing different approaches for losing and maintaining weight. As part of the study, they looked specifically at the role of stress in weight loss, and found that participants who reported the highest stress scores lost less weight. According to the researchers, this may be explained by the fact that high kilojoule foods (high in sugar and fat) can often be used to alleviate stress. Highly palatable food can activate a neurologic reward system (opioid, dopamine and endocannabanoid signalling in the brain) producing powerful behavioural reinforcement to food similar to that seen in drugs of abuse. Thus, if stress becomes chronic, eating can evolve into an effective (yet potentially weight gaining) coping behaviour. They also highlighted the point that given these potential mechanisms, helping people to reduce stress in their lives may boost their efforts at weight management. Furthermore, stress management tools could potentially help individuals manage stress-related appetite cues, further supporting their weight reduction efforts. They also suggested people who report high stress levels before commencing a program of weight management may benefit from additional counselling and stress management resources.

Practical tips on how to relax more
Just as stress affects individuals differently, what is relaxing for some is not for others. It’s important to choose a method of relaxation that works for you, and that is most likely to relieve the type of stress you often experience. Following is a list of suggestions that may be worth trying, to help you relax.

  • Take a few minutes each day to turn off the phone and the television, and feel yourself unwind. Escape all the noise by giving yourself a few moments of silence, and savour a few moments of quiet time.
  • Immerse yourself in a warm bath or spa to help to loosen tense muscles and make you feel relaxed. Add scented oils or bath salts to further set the mood. The feeling of cleanliness after washing is also refreshing.
  • Deep breathing is a quick, easy, cheap and natural way to help counter the effects of stress. Increasing your oxygen intake through conscious, deeper breathing can help you relax, and increase your energy levels. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose for a count of three, then out through your mouth for a count of four, and repeat 10 times.
  • Go for a light walk to get you away from a stressful environment. It doesn’t have to be an exercise walk, but more like a short escape. Short burst of activity such as walking or stretching helps to boost your circulation and clear your mind.
  • Include mind body exercise such as Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates in your training schedule. These activities engage your mind and help you to relax, getting you to focus on posture, form, breathing, and the abdominal core. The slow, controlled movements are generally low impact.
  • Listening to slow, soothing music can also help you unwind and calm your mood. Find a collection of songs that calm you, and call on them when you need time out.
  • Massage is a form of physical relaxation that helps to improve circulation and relax tired muscles. Massage therapy also promotes a unique feeling of well-being that helps to release tension and prevent stress.
  • Meditation is a very effective method of relaxation and stress-reduction. It lets you take a conscious break from thoughts and distraction, slowing down your heart rate and breathing rate, and relaxing your muscles. The intention is to enter a state of "restful alertness," in which the body is awake but the mind is not engaged in conscious thought.

    References available upon request

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