I was recently asked if having a junk day would help speed up weight loss (some people also call it a cheat day). A junk day involves a set day, usually on the weekend, where you strategically “blow” your healthy eating plan. The theory is that a high kilojoule junk day can help trick your metabolism from slowing down when you are eating a lower kilojoule diet. An interesting theory, but a search of the scientific literature couldn’t uncover any research to back this up.
The benefits from a cheat day are probably more psychological rather than physical, especially during the early stages of improving your diet. You might use a junk day as a reward after six days of healthy eating and perfect training. Some people may feel like this helps to keep their sanity. Knowing there is a junk day on the horizon may also help to calm your cravings and prevent bingeing on junk food throughout the week. Being too strict all the time usually leads to feelings of deprivation, and giving in eventually. It’s not realistic to completely deny yourself of something you really want.
The effect of a junk day on your body shape will depend on your level of overindulgence. Obviously, a junk meal would be better than a whole day. It’s OK to enjoy special occasions or the odd treat, but don’t go too overboard, or use it as an excuse to completely let yourself go. One big overindulgence could set you back for days. Moderation is the key. You can still enjoy small portions of any food. Then you won’t feel like you need to “cheat” to get results.
Do you think a junk day ultimately helps or holds back weight loss? Do you need a “junk” day to keep your cravings at bay? Would a junk meal rather than a junk day work for you?