The super-size snacker
Do you always pile plenty onto your plate? Do you love feeling full?
If you answered yes, you may be a super-size snacker.
Whether you love to feel full or simply love seeing your food piled high, you can snack smarter by choosing foods that are low in calories and contain lots of water and fibre.
“We know from research that you consume fewer calories and feel full on a bigger volume if you chose foods that are also low in calories – these foods are referred to as having a low energy density,” says professor and dietician Dr Clare Collins.
Snack ideas
"Other ways to trick yourself into thinking that you have had more to eat than you have actually had is by serving your snacks on a tiny plate and using smaller cutlery, for example, using a teaspoon to eat yoghurt,” Dr Collins said.
The sugar craver
Do you choose snacks as a pick-me-up? Do you favour quick fixes that are high in sugar or caffeine?
If you answered yes, you could be a sugar craver.
If you often find yourself ravenous for a quick energy fix, you've probably noticed that sugar eradicates this feeling, fast.
The trouble is the quick lift that comes with sugar is rapidly followed by a low as your body overcompensates in trying to normalise blood sugar. The resulting low blood sugar sends you in search of another fix and so the cycle continues.
According to Dr Collins, fruit is the solution. “Fruit is low in calories, sweet and refreshing. Plus, it requires lots of chewing so it can fill you up.”
Another good way to avoid sugar highs and lows is to choose high-fibre foods whenever you can. Go for whole grains because they take time for your body to digest and the sustained energy they release will help to keep you going.
Snack ideas
The erratic eater
Are your meals unplanned? Do you feel ravenous and then gorge on whatever you can grab?
If you answered yes, you may be an erratic eater.
Hunger can make you reach for unhealthy snacks and can easily unravel your best-made plans. Eating regular meals plus high-fibre snacks that contain some protein can stave off hunger for the long haul and prevent binges.
Planning ahead may be the answer. So, stick with the program, stay close to your recommended daily target and don’t be tempted to slice and dice too many calories off your suggested plan.
Snack ideas
The distracted dieter
Do you find yourself wanting to munch when you’re watching TV or at the movies? Do you like snacks that keep your fingers busy?
If you answered yes, you could be a distracted dieter.
If you enjoy eating while you're doing something else, such as watching television, choose snacks that don’t pile on the calories. Low-calorie, high-fibre snacks, such as vegetables sticks, is ideal.
Go for foods that take some time to prepare, such as a small handful of nuts in their shell, melon or mango.
If you find you like to keep your hands busy or you eat to overcome your emotions, you may also find that your emotions have improved by the time that your snack is served.
Snack ideas