Mild arthritis is surprisingly common, with 1 in 7 Aussies experiencing stiff sore joints. Sore joints can make moving painful, impeding our ability to carry out day-to-day activities comfortably. Thankfully, through eating a healthy and balanced diet, and minimising foods that may worsen symptoms, you can support your joint health and get back to doing what you love.
1. Processed sugar and artificial sugars are best kept to a minimum, with one study finding that food high in sugar affected 24 per cent of people with rheumatoid arthritis who were able to minimise their symptoms worsening by reducing their sugar intake. Lots of packaged foods that we might not consider sugary often contain added sugars. Lollies, biscuits and even barbeque sauce commonly contain added sugars.
Try substituting sweets with naturally sweet foods like fresh fruit, and natural yogurt with honey. Checking the back of food labels for added sugars is another way to keep count of how much sugar you are consuming.
2. Alcohol may increase swelling in the body which is suboptimal for those suffering from joint pains and aches. A study from the Massachusetts General Hospital found beer and liquor, but not wine increased the risk of developing gout. Drinking two or more beers daily increased the risk of gout 22.5-fold While consuming two drinks containing a shot of liquor raised the risk only 1.6 times.
However, consuming alcohol in moderation may have the opposite effect on symptoms, with one study showing that women who regularly drank wine for at least 10 years had about half the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis compared with non-drinkers. But, before reaching for the bottle opener, some researchers suggest this could be because wine drinkers tend to lead a healthier life overall.
3. Processed meats like bacon, liver and deli meats, like ham, are high in a chemical called purine. When we eat these meats in high amounts, the body converts purine into uric acid. Uric acid can form sharp, painful crystals around joints. It is these crystals that may irritate swollen joints for those with mild gout. Consuming red and processed meats in moderation as well as eating lower purine protein sources like lean chicken and salmon may help.
4. Excess salt consumption can increase water retention in the body which is not optimal for already swollen joints. Like sugar, salt is often added to many processed and convenience foods. A general rule is the more processed a food is the more salt is generally added. For instance, fast foods such as Chips, Pizza and chicken nuggets contain the highest amounts of sodium compared to non-processed foods like vegetables and raw nuts.
5. Highly processed foods are hard to avoid. Unfortunately, with each stage of processing, some nutrients are lost along the way. For example, grinding wheat can remove the husks, reducing beneficial components of food like fibre and minerals. Studies have shown that a diet rich in plant-based foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruit, and vegetables and low in red meat, could potentially reduce the risk of mild arthritis . This is likely due to many foods being consumed in their natural state, retaining fibre, minerals and vitamins which are beneficial for our wellbeing.
Avoiding some foods may help relieve and address the symptoms of mild arthritis . A healthy diet with plenty of water, fruit and vegetables is encouraged. As always, consult your doctor or healthcare professional before making any major changes to your diet.