Magnesium for muscle health
Magnesium is an essential mineral required for important functions such as muscle activity and energy metabolism.
When your blood is low in magnesium, your body draws magnesium from the muscles, sometimes causing them to cramp and spasm.
Supplementing with magnesium may help to prevent muscle cramps and tightness resulting from exercise. Magnesium supplements could even help boost your energy levels during exercise.
Ginseng for energy
The herb Panax ginseng – Korean ginseng – has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for more than 2,000 years for its wide-ranging tonic and adaptogenic properties.
These tonic properties may help in times of physical demand, whether it's during your regular workout or that big race you've been training for, by enhancing your stamina and endurance.
Exercise places your body under heightened conditions of stress and fatigue. The adaptogenic properties of Korean ginseng may help the body cope with this stress.
Remedial massage for recovery
No journey to improved fitness and performance would be complete without proper recovery between training sessions.
According to naturopath and remedial massage therapist Melinda Hutchinson-Taylor, "Remedial massage can treat a broad range of patients and conditions, from those who are recovering from serious sporting injuries or accidents, to recreationalists trying to achieve equilibrium."
By addressing biomechanical imbalances, remedial massage plays a vital role in relaxing tight muscles, relieving pain, loosening muscles and preventing injury.
Hutchinson-Taylor says, "Remedial massage techniques can help to increase circulation, relax muscles, stimulate internal organs and calm the nervous system."