energy 1260
14 Dec 2023

What is energy cleanse and why you might do one?

5 mins to read
Regular energy cleansing can be a helpful practice to maintain the vibration in your home of light and positivity, as this can all impact your own energy.

Have you ever felt a sense of negative energy around you? Perhaps you feel you are carrying this with you, or you can sense this when entering a room full of tension. Buying a home is a common situation when people may conduct an energy cleanse throughout the property to remove any negative energy before they move in.

An energy cleanse is a technique for eliminating unwanted or bad energy before it takes a toll on your life. Carrying negative energy can impact your relationships, with people around you not wanting to interact with your negativity.

Negative thoughts can increase stress, which is a major contributor to other health issues, including the immune system and sleep. You may have heard the saying that energy flows where attention goes.

Many practitioners who work with energy and healing believe that if our thoughts are negative, we may attract more negativity, or if we are around negativity, we can absorb or internalise this from others.

Energy cleansing may be very helpful for restoring positivity in the energy of someone or a place. It can also be revitalising if you have encountered a lot of negative events such as illness, arguments, or stress.

Regular energy cleansing can be a helpful practice to maintain, recharge and ensure the vibration in your home is of light and positivity, as this can all impact your own energy.

Signs you may need an energy cleanse

It may be helpful to check in with yourself and your body at some point in the day to see how you’re feeling energetically. See if you notice signs of discomfort, tiredness, troubling thoughts, headaches, trouble sleeping or mood swings.

Negative energy may manifest as worrying or negative thoughts, repeatedly talking negatively about things, blaming others, and you may exhibit emotions similar to someone you were in contact with recently.

If you identify that you are carrying negative energy, you can choose one of several ways to cleanse this away, feel a sense of release and lightness, and move forward positively.

How to carry out an energy cleanse


Smudging, the burning of herbs or wood sticks, uses fire to cleanse and purify the air. White sage is used the most and was used in ceremonial rituals in Indigenous cultures. Palo Santo is another herb commonly used.

It is done by using a feather as a wand, attaching a bundle of sage or other herb to it, and lighting the end of this bundle. After it burns for a moment, blow it out and then fan the smoke around the room to get rid of any negative or stagnant energy. You could hold something such as a plate underneath it to catch any embers.

You can also fan the sage bundle around your body to cleanse your own energy centres, starting at the top of your body and working your way down, which should take about 30 seconds. When finished, extinguish it with water, and it should never be left unattended while still smoking.

White selenite is another effective tool, and the wand, made of selenite stone, can be waved from top to bottom to cleanse out any energy congestion. If you don’t like to burn herbs and plants like sage, you can diffuse the sage oil instead.

Bells or wind chimes

A commonly used tool in feng shui, bells or wind chimes can be rung in areas of the house, particularly in areas where there may have been negative incidents. Singing bowls used in Tibetan ceremonies can also be used.


Doing this at the start of the day can help ensure your day is set up with positive vibes while carrying it out at the end of the day will help you let go of any unwanted energy from the day.

Start by setting your intention and stating this to yourself, which could sound like, “I release all energy that no longer serves me, to look after me and others around me.”

Next, imagine a bright ball of golden light from above your head that shines on you and slowly descends the body. As it does this, imagine this bright ball of light taking away any unwanted energy, feelings, emotions, thoughts, fears and letting it all go.


There are different crystals that target different energetic purposes and can be kept in your pocket, worn as jewellery or just kept on display at home. Rock salt is known to be purifying, quartz stones are for grounding, and amethyst is for soothing and motivation.

Some stones, such as tourmaline, are considered to have protective effects. A good way of choosing one is to let your instincts guide you and gravitate towards one.

Saltwater bath

Saltwater baths may help to purify and dissolve negative energy. As these bath salts can relax sore muscles, this can aid in relieving stress and releasing negativity.

Tips for energy cleansing

As you begin each cleansing ritual, state your intention and gratitude for the opportunity to cleanse. A helpful way to think about such a ritual and the benefits of doing it regularly is that you are taking care of your energy needs so that you can emit positive energy when you are around others.

It’s also important to cleanse the tools you use in energy healing by holding them over incense smoke or holding them through the sound waves of a sound instrument.




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