Hello sunday morning
20 Feb 2012

Hello Sunday Morning

2 mins to read
By Simone Du Toit. Off the back of an atrocious hangover, Chris Raine decided to do something that would change his life forever. He committed to a 12-month break from alcohol and shared his story through a blog he called Hello Sunday Morning.

By Simone Du Toit. Off the back of an atrocious hangover, Chris Raine decided to do something that would change his life forever. He committed to a 12-month break from alcohol and shared his story through a blog he called Hello Sunday Morning.

As of today 3,276 people across the world have registered for the HSM experience, with a goal of 10,000 by the end of 2012. Hello Sunday Morning employee Jamie Moore shares experience as he couples his alcohol cleanse with Blackmores 10-day Detox.

Jamie Moore: Hmm a detox, yeah HSM is a detox from alcohol but I'm talking about a real detox. A get in there and flush your body out type of detox. So after a little bit of reading and being in the right place at the right time I decided to do my first proper detox.

Fits in well seeing as I was day 32 into my Hello Sunday Morning, surely the alcohol was out of my system by now. I got my hands on the Blackmores 10-day Detox kit and on February 1st at 5:24am the first pills went down. The process of taking the pills each day was easy and I quickly fell into routine: Morning: 1t bitters and 3 pills Lunch: 1 pill Dinner: 1t bitters and 3 pills Bedtime: 1t colon care I have to admit, I was pretty excited about what was going to happen, as my housemate will testify. I WANTED things to move around in my body, I WANTED to feel like whatever toxins were left in there would come out.

While I couldn't commit to sticking hardcore to the recommended diet my days were full of poached eggs, fruit, quality wholemeal bread, protein shakes, vegetables and plenty of fresh salmon & tuna. Now Day 2-4 wasn't the best I've ever felt and there was a close call at the local weekend market when I had to make a dash for it but I knew it was working as this was the worst I had felt since I stopped drinking - interesting I know. I was keeping up my daily exercise regime and noticing that I was already feeling lighter and stronger. Without grossing you out with too many details but whatever was in there was coming out and I was happy as this is exactly what I wanted.

By Day 8 the routine was set and the body was beginning to slow down, I must admit I was waiting for this WOW moment of energy and vitality, which hadn't yet come but I was willing to be patient. Sitting here now reflecting back, I do feel "clearer". Yes I'm now day 46 into my HSM so that helps, but I don't feel as toxic. My mind is getting sharper everyday and I have more mental energy then ever, I'm sleeping better and my body looks better and feels stronger than it has in a while. I finished up on Friday 10th February and I knew it had been a big success when my girlfriend who I hadn't seen in a couple of weeks said “you are looking more muscly” - it's always the small win's that count the most!

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