It helps to know what symptoms to look for in a dog who's not feeling well and how you can help fix your best pals upset stomach.
We've got some great tips and tricks to help you see the signs and symptoms of an upset stomach, so you can relax knowing that at least one of you will feel better soon!
The most common symptoms of stomach aches in our pets are vomiting and diarrhoea. Depending on the dog, their age and general health, as well as what or how much of the unhealthy substance has been ingested, the frequency and intensity of vomit or diarrhoea can vary.
It can start quickly after ingesting something that upsets their gastrointestinal tract or slowly onset after a period of time (1). If these symptoms persist for more than 24 hours or if blood is present, they should be taken to a veterinarian for treatment. After episodes of gastro, your dog will be dehydrated and weary.
Vomiting and diarrhoea aren’t the only signs of a dog with gastro or constipation, so it’s smart to know what to look for when you’re advocating for your pet.
When animals are nauseous, they may (1) (2)
Foods to avoid giving your pet (3) (4) (5) (6)
Ooof! The holidays are here, and with the fun times comes the tendency to overindulge and treat ourselves to a little too much of the good stuff. Our pets are family too, so they’re happily by our side enjoying the spoils of the season, but for both of us, the price to pay for going overboard can be indigestion or a bout of tummy trouble.
It helps to know what dogs can’t eat and what to look for in a dog who's not feeling well. Is it pancreatitis or simple constipation? How can I help my dog’s upset stomach?
Fortunately, Blackmores Pure Animal Wellness has your pet covered, so you can relax knowing that at least one of you will feel better soon. Our PAW probiotics for dogs are a preventative way to keep your dog’s digestive system functioning well and ensure that they enjoy the holidays as much as their people do.
When food is poorly digested, you can bet there will be gastrointestinal distress. Our pet’s bodies, just like ours, are designed to take the nutrients from the food and use them for wellness and energy. First and foremost, feed them healthy food.
Educate yourself on what your dog can eat and can’t eat. Plain white meat chicken? Yes! Fatty lamb chops on the bone? Definitely not!
Ask guests not to feed your dog sneaky treats or table scraps.
Best of all, set yourself up for success. This is where probiotics for dogs, like Blackmores DigestiCare really help. Probiotics are tiny beneficial microbes that live in the gut. We all have them, but they can become off-balance. Their job is to aid in digestion, modulate the immune system and even inhibit harmful bacteria to stave off stomach upset.
Taken preventatively, probiotics can maintain a healthy gut as the first defence against upset stomachs in dogs.
While a supplement can be given regularly to maintain a desirable microbial balance, it’s especially important to supplement beneficial microbes over times of stress, when a routine is out of sync or after a previous bout of gastro to return gut health to its most efficient and productive.
No matter your pets issue, from hip dysplasia to skin conditions, we’re here to help. Shop our range of specialist pet products to ensure you and your pet live long together.