Just like humans, retirement years for our pets should be relaxed and enjoyable. Showing your beloved, older pet just how much you care, with regular veterinary check ups and daily care, will mean your senior dog or cat can still experience a very healthy and happy life.
How do you know when you have older pet? Old age in pets does vary between cats and dogs, and breeds. Small dogs and cats are generally considered mature age from 7 years, however some larger breed dogs are mature age from when they are 6 years old.
Common signs your pet is aging
Just like humans, some dogs and cats will age more gracefully than others as their senses eventually start to deteriorate, leading to impaired vision and hearing, as well as poor grooming and symptoms of pain.
Some obvious changes that you will notice as your pet gets older include:
READ MORE: Caring for older cats
Regular monitoring of your older pet’s joints and weight are important, as older pets, especially large dogs, are vulnerable to arthritis and other joint diseases, and some of the signs of arthritis often are similar to signs of normal aging. If you’re not sure, make sure you contact your vet for advice.
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